Using the Library
A library card is free if you live in the City of Welland or elsewhere in the Niagara Region. You will be required to provide proof of identification (photo I.D.) and proof of your current address when you register. Acceptable proof of identification includes a current driver’s license or new Ontario Health Card. Children and students up to age 14 must have a parent or guardian present who must show proof of identification and current address. Your library card must be shown each time you want to borrow materials. Please take care of your library card. You are responsible for all items borrowed on it and for any charges that may result from late, lost or damaged materials.

What Is LiNC?
The Libraries in Niagara Cooperative (LiNC) was established in 2010. This cooperative library consortium, consisting of multiple Niagara public libraries, was created to share an open source library catalogue system called Evergreen. LiNC is a collaborative venture and succeeds due to the efforts of its members.
Welland Public Library patrons are able to use their library card at member libraries throughout the Niagara Region and have access to significantly more materials via this resource-sharing program. The libraries that are part of LiNC are listed to the right.
What Does Being a LiNC Patron Mean?
As a LiNC member, Welland Public Library patrons will have:
Access to thousands of more books via resource sharing
Access to a brand new interactive online catalogue
The ability to check out items at any member library
The ability to place holds on any applicable item in the LiNC catalogue from any member library
The ability to create reading lists and track reading history
Borrowing Policies
WPL patrons can use their card to borrow items at any LiNC member library. Please be aware of the following LiNC borrowing policies:
You will have 3 days to pick up held items
All library items have loan periods and some have borrowing limits.
You can renew items up to 2 times (where applicable)
Online resources from other LiNC libraries are not available to Welland patrons. Welland patrons have access to cloud Library, Hoopla, Freegal etc. via their Welland Public Library card.
Fines and Replacement Fees
Borrowers with lost or long overdue materials will be billed the replacement cost of the item, plus a non-refundable $5.00 per item administration fee.
Late Fees - WPL goes Fine Free in 2022!
Welland Public Library is pleased to announce that we will be moving to a fine free service model in 2022! At its 2019 midwinter meeting, the American Library Association passed a resolution on monetary fines which described them as a form of social inequality and which urged libraries to “scrutinize their practices of imposing fines on library patrons and actively move towards eliminating them.” A growing number of libraries including Hamilton Public Library, Brampton Public Library, Oakville Public Library, St. Thomas Public Library, Niagara-on-the-Lake Public Library, and Niagara Falls Public Library have moved to fine free service models in recent years. Welland Public Library will take this step towards inclusive, barrier-free library service in early 2022. Existing late fees will be cleared from patron accounts, and patrons will cease to accrue fees on their account for overdue materials. Note that borrowing restrictions for patrons will overdue materials will continue to apply, and that replacement fees for lost or damaged materials will continue to be levied. Check out the infographic below and/or or Fines & Fees Policy for more information!
Lost Card
If you lose your library card, please notify us immediately as you are responsible for all materials signed out on your card.
There is a $4.00 replacement fee for a lost or damaged card.
Check Your Account
You can access your library account through the catalogue, renew your materials, and place holds on items. You will need:
your 14-digit Welland Public Library card number number – all the numbers, no spaces
and your PIN number which can be obtained in person at the Library
Library Cards
Welland Public Library provides educational library cards to preschools, daycares, schools and classrooms for the purpose of expanding students’ access to Library materials for recreational and research purposes. The Library also provides institutional library cards to eligible facilities/organizations, such as retirement communities, hospitals, and social service organizations. Check with our staff for more information!