Why Give?
The Welland Public Library is a registered non-profit charity that raises funds to support our vision of fostering literacy and learning, sparking creativity, and empowering our community. Our generous donors help us to:
• Continuously deliver exceptional patron experiences
• Maintain diverse in-library and online collections
• Expand program offerings as guided by those we serve
• Foster partnerships with organizations dedicated to the most vulnerable and underserved populations
All contributions to the Welland Public Library enrich the education, vitality, and cultural growth of our entire community. Every gift will make a difference.

Where your money goes
Reading, Literacy, and Lifelong Learning
Your donations help us make as many programs as possible available to all demographics and make reading fun and engaging for all readers.
Our baby programs like Toddler Tales start children on a lifelong path to learning and literacy and spark creativity in the youngest minds.
School age children thrive with interactive programming like the TD Summer Reading Club and STEM Workshops. Teens enhance social skills and collaborate in craft programs and chess club.
Our collections, programs, and spaces support students and families new to Canada.
Programs like 3D Printer Basics and Tech Time teach technology skills to people of all ages, opening doors to new ways to learn and create.
Donor support is also essential to our Visiting Library Service that brings print and audiobooks directly to the homebound.

Creativity and Culture
When you support the library, you support the growth and development of the creative and cultural landscape of our community.
Free live music and arts events like Loud in the Library, the Singer/Songwriter Series, Play for Peace, and National Poetry Month readings support local artists and bring people together in joyful celebration.
Everyone is welcome to attend speaking engagements with remarkable authors like Waubgeshig Rice, Cathy Marie Buchanan, and Adam Shoalts.
Diverse programs on topics like growing your own food, cooking on a budget, financial planning, local flora and fauna, and how to trace your family tree teach new skills to anyone willing to try.
Programs like A Stroke of Genius painting group, Knitting Club, and Scrabble Club provide fun and free ways to meet new friends and socialize.
All of this and more is made possible through your donations.

Ways to give
Give the Gift of the Library
Make a one-time gift at any time or arrange for monthly gifts.
Give in Honour or Memory
Gifts in Memory: The Welland Public Library will send a card to the family to let them know that a donation has been made in memory of their loved one. Gifts made in memory can be designated to a specific area.
Honour with Books: Recognize someone special’s accomplishment, birthday, graduation, or retirement with an honourary gift to the Welland Public Library. The individual being honoured will receive a card acknowledging the occasion and informing them that you have made a donation in their name. The Honour with Books program helps the library continue to build its collections for the education and enjoyment of our community.
Gifts by Will or Estate
A gift in your will or a bequest is an easy way to make a future gift in support of the Welland Public Library. Whether you choose to leave a specific sum of money or property, or a portion of the remainder of your estate, you will leave a meaningful and lasting personal legacy. Please contact your lawyer or legal representative to inquire.

To Donate
In addition to gifts made in person, donations can also be made:
By Mail
Please make cheques payable to:
Welland Public Library
50 The Boardwalk
Welland, Ontario
L3B 6J1
Donate securely online at:
All donors will be recognized on the library’s website and in our spring newsletter. Donations of $500 or more will be included on our Donor Recognition Wall. Please be sure to let us know if you wish to remain anonymous and where you would like your gift to apply.
Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more. The Welland Public Library is a federally registered charity.
Charitable Registration #108195645RR0001
For more information, please call (905) 734-6210 ext. 2500.