Welland Public Library believes that facilities and services must be accessible to all, regardless of age, economic condition, or physical ability. Facilities and services must also be capable of supporting the levels of service required by the community.
Visiting Library
If age, illness, or disability is preventing you or someone you know from coming into the library, we will make a home visit!
On a regular basis, a library volunteer will deliver books and other library materials to people who cannot come to the library themselves. To find out more about this service, please contact the library at 905-734-6210.
Large Print Books: these easy-on-the-eyes books are available at all library locations.
Audiobooks: audiobooks are available in CD format, Playaway™, and through digital download.
A selection of new decodable books to assist patrons experiencing dyslexia
CELA – Centre for Equitable Library Access
Welland Public Library also offers access to the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA) collection for people who have difficulty reading print due to a visual, physical or learning disability. With over 200,000 items in accessible formats, the CELA collection represents Canada’s largest collection of alternative format books and online resources. The collection is in both English and French and includes:
Books and magazines in audio, eText and braille
More than 50 community, national and international newspapers
Descriptive films and television programs
Children’s picture books with added Braille
Canadian content and other resources for all ages and interests
Eligibility Guidelines:
Access to the CELA collection is available only to people with perceptual disabilities as defined under the provisions of the Copyright Modernization Act, which includes:
Learning disability: an impairment relating to comprehension
Physical disability: the inability to hold or manipulate a book
Visual disability: severe or total impairment of sight or the inability to focus or move one’s eyes
How to Register and Use the Collection:
Eligible Welland Public Library users with a valid library card can register for this service by contacting the library at 905-734-6210, or by email at info@wellandlibrary.ca. If you do not already have a library card, staff will get you registered as part of the CELA registration process.
Access to the collection is offered in a number of ways:
Download books to your computer or mobile device, such as an iPhone.
Download books to a DAISY player over a wireless connection without using a computer.
Receive audio CDs, Braille or described movies through your local branch or by mail directly to your home.
Visit the CELA website for more information about the collection.
Additional Services
Accessible buildings, with elevators, door openers and more.
Wheelchair accessible furniture.
Assistive hearing technology available at all service counters and in program/event spaces.
ZoomText Screen Magnifier
Large print keyboards and oversize monitors are included on the ZoomText workstations.
Kurzweil 1000, scanning, writing and reading software
Optelec 20/20 Video Magnification System is available to magnify print documents.
A hand held magnifying glass is available for use in the library from the Information Desk.
ReachDeck is available from our website. It works by reading web pages aloud in a natural sounding voice. Please note that although staff can provide assistance in using the technology, in-depth instruction cannot be provided.
Accessible Customer Service Policy
The Welland Public Library provides its services in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.
All reasonable effort will be made to ensure that our policies, practices, and procedures are consistent with the following principles:
The provisions of Library services to persons with disabilities are integrated with those provided to persons who do not have disabilities unless an alternative measure in necessary. Persons with disabilities are given an opportunity equal to that of persons without disabilities to obtain, use or benefit from library services.
When communicating with persons with disabilities, library staff will do so in a manner that takes into account their abilities.
Persons with disabilities may use assistive devices and/or support persons or animals in the access of goods and services.
For more information, please refer to the following:
City of Welland’s Accessibility Policy (WPL falls under this plan)
City of Welland's Multi-year Accessibility Plan
The library is committed to updating the plan (under the City of Welland) every 5 years
Accessibility Feedback
Residents and visitors are invited to make service inquiries or provide disability related feedback on the accessibility of goods, services, and facilities they receive or use at the Welland Public Library. Please provide as much detail as possible about the service or facility to aid us in our response. Compliance reports are available upon request in a variety of formats.
Online: Please complete the Library's online Feedback Form and/or the City of Welland's Accessibility Feedback Form
In-Person: Please call 905-734-6210, ext. 2500 to book an appointment.
E-mail: administration@wellandlibrary.ca
We can arrange for accessible feedback and provide alternate formats upon request.